I only came here for the fashion is a place for me to discuss all things related to a lifelong passion: the art of fashion in all its many forms.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New site addiction

I know I've previously admitted my love of street style, but when I stumbled across this site:


I was HOOKED. Who knew there were fashionistas in Nebraska?!

My love of street style borders on obsessive. I am absolutely one of those "crazy people" who will stop a well-dressed person on the street to compliment their outfit or request more information on something they're wearing. It's usually flattering, sporadically inspiring, and almost never awkward; I find that most people who are stopped are more than happy to explain the inspiration behind their attire.

So I ask you: have you loved your local fashionistas lately?

And on a broader scale of fashionista:


Michelle Obama is one of my top style icons. She is a modern day Jackie O. She is pure class and sophistication wrapped up in a J. Crew skirt and some chic little heels. FLOTUS knows what looks good on her and she WORKS it. I want a shopping date with Mrs. O ASAP. If only...

And excuse me, but can I talk for a second about how damn cute Sasha Obama is?:

(Photo courtesy of Mrs. O blog)

I don't care that this is a nine year old; I'm 27, and I want this outfit. That canary tulle skirt is precious! And check out her little pearl bracelet. Nine years old, and she already accessorizes better than most adults.

You know what? Screw the kids, I just want the clothes!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DIY Jewelry

One morning while drinking my coffee and watching the Today Show, I saw a segment with Bobbie Thomas, style editor for the Today Show.

I love Bobbie because she's all about looking amazing on a very small (or even free) budget. Using miscellaneous items from around the house, or just by recycling items one no longer uses, she's able to whip up really unique and beautiful accessories.

Just check out the video below to see what I'm talking about:

This isn't the exact segment I saw (I can't find it. Boo!), but the idea was the same: how to make beautiful, statement jewelry without breaking the bank.

Now, I'm a very crafty person when I want to be. Not to toot my own horn, but I have spent years in art school and have a very strong creative streak that, while I don't utilize often, I adore about myself. I also happen to be one of those teachers who just so happens to have a massive amount of art supplies and crafts just laying in storage around my apartment.

And it was while watching this Bobbie Thomas segment that my brain went: "Hey, I can do that, too!"

So I did.

First up, a chain and pearl necklace vaguely inspired by this Chanel necklace:
Here is the finished product:
It certainly isn't as busy as the Chanel, but the feeling is the same. Elegant chaos, perhaps. I dig it; it looks really nice with a LBD. It took me perhaps half an hour to string the links, and attaching the pearls was probably another half an hour. All in all, an hour spent to make a cute little necklace = an hour spent relaxing and doing something relatively mindless and productive (i.e. a nice change of pace from studying and writing papers).

Up next, a glass beaded necklace:

Sorry for the crooked image; I keep correcting the HTML and it keeps flipping itself back on it's side

Admittedly, this necklace was made a while ago, but I adore how it turned out. The glass beads are heavy, and I had to secure the necklace with sterling silver reinforcements, so this necklace was perhaps a little more expensive than I would have intended it to be. All in all, the materials probably cost about $30, but I've seen necklaces very similar to this one for sale in malls for $40-$60. The quality between this necklace and a store bought necklace is equivalent, but this one is more budget friendly!

The next necklace is pretty similar, but the materials are more a mix between glass and plastic cheapie beads:

This necklace took the longest to make, simply because of the number of strands I had to bead. All in all, this necklace probably took about two hours start to finish. Best of all, it's super light and easy to forget you're wearing. It really dresses up a plain t-shirt without weighing you down. Love it!

I find jewelry making to be a very cathartic hobby. It allows me to zone out, be creative, and enjoy myself. If it can be done cheaply, even better!